Sobre Ripo/Galeria Cosmo/Barcelona

Max Rippon es un artista newyorkino, sin embargo sus trabajos no tienen nacionalidad, ya que tiene la afición de diseminarlos por todo lugar que tocan sus pies. Efímero e irónico, ha decidido establecer el poder de su discurso en la síntesis que la propia palabra le significa. Es indiscutible el placer lúdico que provoca la búsqueda de las distintas derivas y el resultante de combinar infinidad de veces los elementos de contexto, palabra, imagen y espacio, ofreciéndonos un ente total dotado de múltiples significados y dimensiones que no alcanzan a dividirse entre la caligrafía, tipografía fantástica, la fonética y el discurso político.

Foto: Bcn Style

Entrevista a Ripo en Bcn Style/ Street Artis Interview BcnStyle

Likes: Meeting good people, traveling, typography, calligraphy, handmade creations.
Dislikes: Meeting bad people, not creating, and most authority figures.
What do you want to express when are painting?
It can change every time I paint. It depends on where I´m painting, what I´m going through in my life at the time, what inspirations I´m having, and what brought me to that place. My work is generally a reflection of my houghts (visual or word based) on a place or a situation, as that flows and moves so does the piece.
What impact do you think the Internet has had on graffiti styles?
More people see more variety. The downside is that it might mean people leave their houses less and don´t realize the great work that´s around them in their own cities and environments, or worse yet not go out and create that work. As long as we don´t forget that the Internet isn´t a subtitution for the real world I think we´ll be ok.
What is your favorite place in the world?
My favorite places have to do with my favorite moments. Wherever I´m happy, I can feel creation flowing, good people interacting, work being made, and general encouragement of creative and new ideas. In my life this has happened to me in many places, most notably Barcelona, New York City, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Bucharest, and in a few bathrooms in some less than respectable bars.
Where do you think is the street art capital of the world?
Somewhere in South Amarica at the moment.
Which style of graffiti do you like the most?
The style that is up.
Is there a graffiti style you don´t like?
The style that isn´t up.
If urban artist can´t paint in the streets how do you think they should display their art?
You´re the only person who can stop you from painting in the streets.
What is your relationship with Barcelona?
So far Barcelona and I have been happily fucking and seeing each other on and off for the past 5 years. She´s fantastic but tricked me into moving in with her in September 2005, immediately before her new anti-graffiti laws began. Great timing, right? I had a few unforgettable one-night stands with her a few years carlier, in 2003, and thought I had fallen in love. She was packed full of art and graffiti and had a general feeling of freedom about her. So it was no problem for her to seduce me back 2 years later, especially considering the fat scary bitch of a country I was living with on the order side of the ocean.
Dou you think there is a Barcelona style? Does it have parallels with the culture?
Loose and colorful, just like the people.
What do you think about the impact of the strict laws on urban artists?
As in any city with strict anti-graffiti laws, either we the artists have to get faster or get smarter. Of course the fucking idiots in the government thought that their little laws and not-so-little fines would stop graffiti (hahahah), but if they had actually chosen to talk to any graffiti writers about it we could have told them exactly what was going to happen. All the beautiful big productions would disappear and the only thing left would be lots more fast tags and throw ups, the things they liked the least. Smart move dickheads.

Max Rippon, un artista plástico que roza la genialidad

Ripo me ha facilitado personalmente muchísimas fotos de su Webs , del flickr y de las exposiciones que ha realizado en Barcelona, tamaña generosidad de trato solo es comparable a su tremenda afabilidad , respeto y buena conciencia ante todo lo que represente el graffiti en Barcelona. Sólo de una persona con el corazón tan grande puede salir un obra tan bien parida y de inmensa calidad artística. Ripo es un regalo para Barcelona, si no observen bien este blog.



Foto: Bcn Style

Foto: BcnStyle

dilluns, 1 de març del 2010


